Toronto Pedatric Staging
Toronto Stage was developed based on a consensus meeting by the Union for Internal Cancer Control (UICC) in 2014. Since this time, multiple countries have implemented the Toronto Staging Guidelines for pediatric cancers. Starting in 2024, the United States will also implement the Toronto Staging in the SEER program. For the US, this requires the collection of the EOD 2018 data and expects the EOD 2018 API/library to be called prior to a call to the Toronto API/library. Toronto Stage is effective for cases diagnosed in 2024 and later (2018 and later in beta testing).
In each Toronto schema, valid values, definitions, and registrar notes are provided for any Site-Specific Data Items (SSDIs) pertinent to the schema.
For cancer cases diagnosed January 1, 2024 and later (2018 and later in beta testing), the NCI SEER program will collect the related SSDIs for each schema. The schemas have been developed to be compatible with the Toronto Staging definitions. For some schemas, additional data items may be derived. Derived Toronto T, N, M and Stage Group will always be present, with defaults being set for those schemas where these concepts are not defined. A Toronto Schema ID will also be calculated.
All the standard setting organizations will collect the predictive and prognostic factors through Site Specific Data Items (SSDIs). Unlike the SSFs, these data items have formats and code structures specific to the data item.
News and Announcements
August 16, 2024New Version Release – View the changes and known issues in Pediatric 1.2(Revised 2/6/2025)
March 5, 2024
December 13, 2023
September 19, 2022
September 8, 2022Initial Release of Toronto Staging v0.1
This is the beta release of the Toronto staging algorithm for use by the Kentucky Cancer Registry who has graciously offered to aid in the testing of data collection.
Pediatric Schema List
Click the Pediatric Schema List button to display a list of the 33 schemas. Click the name of the schema for more information. The following is provided for each schema
- General information
- ICD-O-3 topography and histology combinations that are included in the schema, with any necessary schema discriminators
- Notes related to the entire schema
- Data Items
- Standard data items, such as Primary Site [#400] and Behavior [#523]
- Data items site specific definitions, such as Pediatric Primary Tumor [#9623], Pediatric Regional Nodes [#9624], Pediatric Mets [#9625]
- Site specific data items (SSDIs) that apply to the schema, such as Intl Neuroblastoma Path Prog Class (INPC) [#9610] for Neuroblastoma and Pretext Clinical Staging [#9626] for Hepatoblastoma
- Clicking a data item name will display the data item notes and valid code list
- Staging Method, or calculation algorithms, defined for the schema, for example
- Pediatric Stage, which calculations the appropriate staging value, if any, for the schema. These are captured in Derived Pediatric Stage Group [#9606] and include Ann Arbor Stage for Hodgkin Lymphoma, International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) for Neuroblastoma, and Mets based staging for the Malignant Bone schemas.
- Outputs, or the data items that can be calculated for the schema
Staging Calculator
Use the staging calculator to determine the correct schema and calculate the derived fields (if any).
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