## Pediatric v1.2 changes:
- General Changes
- All Pediatric specific data items had the item number changed from the 9nnn value to the official NAACCR number. See the NAACCR 2025 Implementation Guide, Section 3 for the complete list
- **Note** Conversion tables (from EOD 2018 to Pediatric) should only be used to fill in blank values and should not overwrite values coded by humans.
- Adult/Other Non-Pediatric
- Schema Selection: Histology 8824-8827 with all sites, all ages was removed; some combinations are in other schemas and this was a double assignment.
- Hodgkin Lymphoma
- B Symptoms [3812]: added '(100.4 F)' after 38 degrees C to clarify the measurement
- Neuroblastoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [1136]: added codes 400 (Regional tumor, one side) and 600 (Regional tumor crosses midline)
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [1145}: Calculations were adjusted for new codes. Code 300 adjusted to derived the same as code 100; code 400 added to derived the same as code 200, code 600 now derives what code 300 had been calculating. **Derived Pediatric Stage Group must be recalculated for all Neuroblastoma cases**
- n-MYC Amplification [1186]: a typo in the XML ID was corrected
- Conversions: conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to remove the lower EOD Primary Tumor conversions to 100 as the specific code cannot be determined; conversion to Pediatric Regional Nodes table was updated to remove the EOD Regional Nodes conversions to 800 as the specific code cannot be determined; conversion to Pediatric Mets table was updated to remove the EOD Mets conversions to 70 as the specific code cannot be determined without the six Mets at Dx location fields
- NHL (4 schemas)
- Conversions: conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to remove Mycosis Fungoides going to NHL as these histologies are no longer mapped to NHL; conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to change Brain and CNS going to NHL from going to code 400 to going to code 800 as the definitions of these codes has been adjusted; conversion to Pediatric Primary Tumor table was updated to adjust several final values for Pediatric PT to meet the updated NHL meanings
- Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma (3 schemas)
- Conversions: conversion to Pediatric Regional Nodes table was updated for the EOD Regional Nodes values of 100-800 to go to Pediatric Regional Nodes of 800
- Ovarian
- Conversions: conversions from Soft Tissue Other (00459) to Ovarian (10c2) were added to the Primary Tumor and Regional Nodes conversion tables
- Testicular
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [1136]: Code 450 modified to include 'WITH or WITHOUT vascular/lymphatic invasion'