Site-Specific Factor 16
This input is used for staging
Post-Orchiectomy Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Range
Note 1: Of the three tumor markers, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is the least specific for testicular cancer and is more of a determinant of bulky or disseminated disease. Although recommended to be tested, LDH may not be routinely performed, especially if the primary is localized.
Note 2: Record the range of the LDH test as documented in the patient record after orchiectomy and prior to further treatment.
Note 3: If the initial post-orchiectomy LDH test remains elevated, review the subsequent tests until normalization or plateau occurs and use that test to code this field.
Note 4: If the post-orchiectomy LDH test is unknown but the preorchiectomy LDH test was normal, use code 990.
Note 5: If the post-orchiectomy LDH test is unavailable but a physician's statement of the result is documented, use codes 991-993.
Note 6: For rare cases that are treated prior to orchiectomy or an orchiectomy is not performed, code the initial LDH range in this field and not in Site-Specific Factor 10, Pre-Orchiectomy Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Range.
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2870Code | Description |
000 | Within normal limits (S0) |
010 | Range 1 (S1) less than 1.5 x N (Less than 1.5 times the upper limit of normal for LDH) |
020 | Range 2 (S2) 1.5 to 10 x N (Between 1.5 and 10 times the upper limit of normal for LDH) |
030 | Range 3 (S3) greater than 10 x N (Greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal for LDH) |
988 | Not applicable: Information not collected for this case |
990 | Postorchiectomy LDH unknown but preorchiectomy LDH was normal |
991 | Postorchiectomy LDH stated to be still elevated |
992 | Postorchiectomy LDH unknown but post-orchiectomy serum tumor markers NOS stated to be normal |
993 | Postorchiectomy LDH unknown but postorchiectomy serum tumor markers NOS stated to be still elevated Stated as Stage IS |
997 | Test ordered, results not in chart |
998 | Test not done (test not ordered and not performed) |
999 | Unknown or no information Not documented in patient record |