Pediatric Primary Tumor


**Note 1:** Pediatric Primary Tumor for Medulloblastoma is coded only for **single tumors confined to the primary site** (see code 150) or a **single** tumor crossing the midline without extension to adjacent structures (see code 250). * Code 999 if there are multiple tumors in the brain * The presence of multiple tumors is recorded in Pediatric Mets **Note 2:** Benign (/0) or Borderline (/1) tumors are **always coded to 050** regardless of size or extension to adjacent sites **Note 3:** A midline shift is not the same thing as crossing the midline * Documentation must state “crossing the midline” * Code 150 if you have a single tumor confined to the primary site with a midline shift that is not extending into adjacent structures (see **Note 4**). **Note 4:** Direct or contiguous extension to an adjacent site is collected in Pediatric Mets. * If the only information available is extension to an adjacent site, code Pediatric Primary Tumor 999 and assign the appropriate Pediatric Mets code * The following are collected in Pediatric Mets (see code 25 for all except circulating cells in CSF (code 15)) * Adjacent connective/soft tissue * Adjacent muscle * Bone * Circulating cells in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) * Major blood vessel(s) * Meninges (e.g.; dura) * Multiple/multifocal tumors * Nerves (cranial, NOS) * Ventricular system




NAACCR #9623
Code Description
050 Benign or borderline brain
150 All sites - Single tumor confined to the primary site with no invasion or seeding to other structures Confined to site of origin, NOS Localized, NOS
250 Single tumor confined to the primary site and crossing the midline - WITHOUT invasion of adjacent structures (see Note 4)
800 No evidence of primary tumor
999 Unknown; extension not stated Multiple tumors (See Note 1) Single tumor with extension to an adjacent site (see Note 4) Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only
(1) American Society of Clinical Oncology © 2009, The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Classification System: AN INRG Task Force Report; published by American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2009 (2) Aitken JF, Youlden D, O’Neill L, Gupta S, Frazier AL, eds. Childhood cancer staging for population registries according to the Toronto Childhood Cancer Stage Guidelines – Version 2. Cancer Council Queensland and Cancer Australia: Brisbane, Australia; 2021.