Pediatric Primary Tumor

This input is used for staging


**Note 1:** If there is involvement of the fallopian tube with no further evidence of extension, regional lymph node involvement or metastasis, and the physician verifies this is an ovary primary, code 300. **Note 2:** Code 300 for extension to and/or discontinuous metastasis to any of the following pelvic organs * Adnexa * Adjacent (pelvic) peritoneum * Bladder * Bladder serosa * Cul de sac (rectouterine pouch) * Fallopian Tube * Ligament(s) (broad, ovarian, round, suspensory) * Mesosalpinx (Meosvarium) * Parametrium * Pelvic wall * Rectosigmoid * Rectum * Sigmoid colon (including sigmoid mesentery) * Ureter (pelvic portion) * Uterus, NOS **Note 3:** Code 400 for any evidence of peritoneal carcinomatosis, which may also be called seeding, salting, talcum powder appearance, or studding in any of the following abdominal organs (see Pediatric Mets for extraperitoneal carcinomatosis) * Abdominal mesentery * Diaphragm * Gallbladder * Intestine, large (except rectum, rectosigmoid and sigmoid colon) * Kidneys * Omentum (infracolic, NOS) * Pancreas * Pericolic gutter * Peritoneum, NOS * Small intestine * Stomach * Ureters (outside pelvis)




NAACCR #9623
Code Description
100 Limited to one or both ovaries * WITH or WITHOUT tumor on ovarian surface * WITH or WITHOUT surgical spill * AND NO or UNKNOWN - Malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings - Capsule rupture
200 Limited to one or both ovaries * WITH Malignant Cells in ascites or peritoneal washings OR * Capsule rupture
300 Tumor involves one or both ovaries with pelvic extension (below the pelvic brim) (see Note 2)
400 Tumor involves one or both ovaries WITH cytologically OR histologically confirmed spread to the peritoneum outside the pelvis (see Note 3)
800 No evidence of primary tumor
999 Unknown stage: stage group not stated Stage group cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only