Pediatric Primary Tumor


**Note:** The cortex of a bone is the dense outer shell that provides strength to the bone; the spongy center of a bone is the cancellous portion. The periosteum of the bone is the fibrous membrane covering of a bone that contains the blood vessels and nerves; the periosteum is similar to the capsule on a visceral organ.




NAACCR #9623
Code Description
100 Appendicular (C400-C403, C408-C411, C413, C418-C419) * Confined to cortex of bone * Extension beyond cortex to periosteum (no break in periosteum) Spine (C412) * Confined to spine, NOS (number of segments involved not known) * Involvement of single or multiple adjacent vertebral segment(s) Pelvis (C414) * Confined to pelvis, NOS (number of segments involved not known and WITHOUT or UNKNOWN if extraosseous extension) * One to four pelvic segments involved WITHOUT or UNKNOWN if extraosseous extension (see code 200 for extraosseous extension) Localized, NOS
200 All sites * Extraosseous extension (beyond periosteum to surrounding tissues, including adjacent skeletal muscle(s)) Appendicular (C400-C403, C408-C411, C413, C418-C419) * Adjacent bone/cartilage Spine (C412) * Involvement of multiple non-adjacent vertebral segments * Spinal canal Pelvis (C414) * One to four pelvic segments involved WITH extraosseous extension
500 Appendicular (C400-C403, C408-C411, C413, C418-C419) * Discontinuous tumors in the primary bone site ("skip" metastasis) * Skin Spine (C412) * Gross vascular invasion * Tumor thrombus in great vessels Pelvis (C414) * Encasement of external iliac vessels * Gross tumor thrombus in major pelvic vessels * Sacral neuroforamen * Sacroiliac joint
800 No evidence of primary tumor
999 Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in medical record Death Certificate Only