NAACCR Item #1975: Derived Summary Grade 2018

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
1975 1 SEER 2024 24

NAACCR XML: Tumor.derivedSummaryGrade2018


Grade is a measure of the aggressiveness of the tumor. Grade and cell type are important prognostic indicators for many cancers. Due to changes in 2018, it is difficult to compare grade information from previous years. By developing a Derived Summary Grade data item, comparison of Grade over time (prior to 2018 compared to 2018+) will be much easier. 

This data item will be derived from the following existing fields:

  • 3843: Grade Clinical
  • 3844: Grade Pathological
  • Note: Prior to 2018, grade was collected prior to neoadjuvant therapy, which is why Grade Post-therapy Clin (yc) and Grade Post-Therapy (yp) are not part of the calculation

This new data item will be applied to cases for 2018+ (would not be applicable for cases diagnosed prior to 2018). This would not be a conversion but deriving a new data item based on information already in the cancer registry systems. Once new cases are entered, then the Derived Summary Grade will be derived.


The algorithm for Derived Summary Grade is already used by the SEER program for schemas that need grade for EOD Stage group; however, that information is currently not stored anywhere. SEER will use the same algorithm to calculate the Derived Summary Grade and this data item will store that information. This algorithm will also make it possible for researchers to analyze grade over time more easily.

1Site-specific grade system category
2Site-specific grade system category
3Site-specific grade system category
4Site-specific grade system category
5Site-specific grade system category
8Not applicable (Hematopoietic neoplasms only)
9Grade cannot be assessed; Unknown
AWell differentiated
BModerately differentiated
CPoorly differentiated
DUndifferentiated and anaplastic
ESite-specific grade system category
HHigh grade
LLow grade
MSite-specific grade system category
SSite-specific grade system category
Blank(Post therapy only)