NAACCR Item #440: Grade

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
440 1 SEER/CoC

NAACCR XML: Tumor.grade

Alternate Names
   Grade, Differentiation, or Cell Lineage Indicator (SEER/CCCR)
   Grade/Differentiation (CoC)

Code for the grade or degree of differentiation of the reportable tumor. For lymphomas and leukemias, field also is used to indicate T-, B-, Null-, or NK-cell origin.

Note: Code 8 was adopted for use with lymphoma cases diagnosed in 1995 and later.

1Grade I
2Grade II
3Grade III
4Grade IV
7Null cell
8NK (natural killer) cell
9Grade/differentiation unknown, not stated, or not applicable

Comment: Use the most recent Hematopoietic and Lymphoid rules for assigning grades 5-8.