NAACCR Item #3010: Derived SS1977
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
3010 | 1 | AJCC | 2003 | 10 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.derivedSs1977
Alternate Names
Derived SEER Summary Stage 1977
This item is the derived “SEER Summary Stage 1977” from the CS algorithm (or EOD codes) effective with 2004 diagnosis.
The Collaborative Stage Data Collection System was designed by a joint task force including representatives from SEER, ACoS, CDC, NAACCR, NCRA, CCCR, CPAC, and AJCC, to provide a single uniform set of codes and rules for coding extent of disease (EOD) and stage information to meet the needs of all of the participating standard setters. When CS data items are coded, a computer algorithm provides the derivation of T, N, M, and stage-based on AJCC Cancer Staging Manual 6th & 7th Editions, SEER Summary Stage 1977, and SEER Summary Stage 2000. There are separate derived CS fields in the NAACCR record based on AJCC 6th Edition for 2004+ cases and AJCC 7th Edition for 2010+ cases.