NAACCR Item #2935: CS Version Input Original
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
2935 | 6 | AJCC |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.csVersionInputOriginal
Alternate Names
CS Version 1ST
This item indicates the number of the version initially used to code Collaborative Staging (CS) fields. The CS version number is returned as part of the output of the CS algorithm.
Over time, the input codes and instructions for CS items may change. This item identifies the correct interpretation of input CS items.
CS Version Input Original is a 6-digit code (e.g., 010100). The first two digits represent the major version number; the second two digits represent minor version changes; and, the last two digits represent even less significant changes, such as corrections of typographical errors that do not affect coding or derivation of results.