NAACCR Item #2830: CS Lymph Nodes
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
2830 | 3 | AJCC | 2003 | 10 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.csLymphNodes
Alternate Names
CS Lymph Nodes (SEER EOD)
Identifies the regional lymph nodes involved with cancer at the time of diagnosis.
The involvement of specific regional lymph nodes is a prognostic indicator used by Collaborative Staging to derive some TNM-N codes and SEER Summary Stage codes.
Note: For cases prior to 2010, this was a 2 character field in CS version 1 which was converted to a 3 character field in CS version 2. Most 2 character codes were converted by adding a zero as the third character. For example, code 05 was usually converted to 050, 10 to 100, 11 to 110, etc. Special codes such as 88 and 99 were usually converted to 888 and 999 respectively.