CS Mets at DX


**Note**: Peridiaphragmatic nodes are considered regional nodes in AJCC 7 staging and are coded in CS Lymph Nodes.
Code Description AJCC 7 M AJCC 6 M Summary Stage 1977 M Summary Stage 2000 M
00 No distant metastasis M0 Lymph Nodes Mets at DX AJCC6 NONE NONE
10 Distant lymph node(s), including cervical nodes M1 M1 D D
35 Direct extension to contralateral lung M1 M1 D D
40 Distant metastases, except code 10 or 35
Discontinuous involvement of contralateral pleura/chest wall
M1 M1 D D
50 (35 and/or 40) + 10

Distant metastasis plus distant lymph node(s)
M1 M1 D D
60 Distant metastases, NOS

Stated as M1 with no other information on distant metastasis
M1 M1 D D
99 Unknown; distant metastasis not stated
Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
Not documented in patient record
M0 Lymph Nodes Mets at DX AJCC6 U U
- For CS Mets at DX codes 00 and 99, the assignment of the M category for AJCC 6 staging is based on the value of CS Lymph Nodes as shown in the Lymph Nodes Mets at DX AJCC 6 Table for this schema.