CS Mets at DX


**Note 1**: Discontinuous metastasis to any of the following abdominal organs by way of peritoneal seeding or implants is included in the T3 category (FIGO Stage III) and coded in CS Extension: abdominal mesentery; diaphragm; gallbladder; infracolic omentum; kidneys; large intestine except rectum, rectosigmoid, and sigmoid colon; liver (peritoneal surface); omentum; pancreas; pericolic gutter; peritoneum, NOS; small intestine; spleen; stomach; and ureters outside pelvis. Hematogenous metastases are included in M1 (FIGO Stage IV) disease. **Note 2**: The Federation Internationale de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique (FIGO) stages are included for coding where no more specific information is available in the record.
Code Description AJCC 7 M AJCC 6 M Summary Stage 1977 M Summary Stage 2000 M
00 No distant metastasis M0 M0 NONE NONE
05 Sacral lymph nodes:
Presacral lymph nodes
Lateral sacral (laterosacral) Sacral NOS
M1 M0 D RN
10 Distant lymph node(s) other than sacral M1 M1 D D
20 10 + 05 M1 M1 D D
40 Distant metastasis (excluding involvement of other organs by peritoneal seeding or implants (See Note 1)), except distant lymph nodes
Liver parenchymal metastasis
Pleural effusion WITH positive cytology

M1 M1 D D
45 40 + 05 M1 M1 D D
50 40 + 10

Distant metastasis plus distant lymph node(s) other than sacral
M1 M1 D D
55 50 + 05 Distant metastasis plus distant lymph nodes including sacral nodes M1 M1 D D
60 Distant metastasis, NOS

M1 M1 D D
99 Unknown; distant metastasis not stated
Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
Not documented in patient record