CS Extension


**Note 1**: AJCC 7th Edition T1 and T2 categories are based on size and high risk features and not depth of invasion or extension. AJCC 7th Edition includes a T3 category for head and neck skin primaries only. **Note 2**: In the case of multiple simultaneous tumors, code the tumor with the greatest extension. **Note 3**: Skin ulceration does not alter the AJCC T category. **Note 4**: The assignment of the T1 category for cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas with one or no high-risk features is based on tumor size. A physician's statement of the T1 category may be used to code both CS Tumor Size and/or CS Extension if this is the only information in the medical record regarding one or both of these fields. However the two fields are coded independently; for example, the record may document size but not extension. Use codes 510, 520, 600, and 810 as appropriate to code CS Extension based on a statement of T when no other extension information is available. **Note 5**: Use code 400 (Localized, NOS) when no further information is available to assign code 100, 500, 510, or 520.
Code Description AJCC 7 T AJCC 6 T Summary Stage 1977 T Summary Stage 2000 T
000 In situ, intraepidermal, intraepithelial, noninvasive
Bowen disease
Tis Tis IS IS
100 Lesion(s) confined to dermis Extension Size High Risk Extension Size AJCC6 L L
400 Localized, NOS Extension Size High Risk Extension Size AJCC6 L L
500 Subcutaneous tissue (through entire dermis) Extension Size High Risk Extension Size AJCC6 L L
510 Stated as T1 with no other information on extension Extension Size High Risk Extension Size AJCC6 L L
520 Stated as T2 with no other information on extension T2 T2 L L
550 Underlying cartilage and/or skeletal muscle Extension Size High Risk T4 D RE
600 For skin of head and neck primaries only:
Orbital bone
Temporal bone

Stated as T3 with no other information on extension
T3 T4 D RE
Invasion of cartilage, bone, skeletal muscle reclassified in AJCC 7th Edition
See codes 550, 600, 710, and 750

Underlying cartilage, bone, skeletal muscle
710 For skin of head and neck primaries only:
Direct or perineural invasion of skull base
T4 T4 D RE
750 Bone (other than in code 600 or 710):
Axial or appendicular skeleton
T4 T4 D RE
800 Further contiguous extension T4 T4 D D
810 Stated as T4 with no other information on extension T4 T4 D RE
950 No evidence of primary tumor T0 T0 U U
999 Unknown; extension not stated
Primary tumor cannot be assessed
Not documented in patient record
- For CS Extension codes 100, 400, 500, 510, and 550 ONLY, the T category for AJCC 7 staging is assigned based on the values of CS Tumor Size and CS Site-Specific Factor 12, High Risk Features, as shown in the Extension Size High Risk Table for this schema. - For CS Extension codes 100, 400, 500 and 510 ONLY, the T category for AJCC 6th Edition is assigned based on value of CS Tumor Size as shown in the Extension Size AJCC 6 Table for this schema.