CS Site-Specific Factor 12

Post-Orchiectomy Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) Lab Value


**Note 1**: Record the value of the alpha fetoprotein (AFP) test as documented in the patient record after orchiectomy and prior to further treatment. **Note 2**: Use the same laboratory test to record values for CS Site-Specific Factors 12 and 13. **Note 3**: Record a post-orchiectomy AFP of 20 nanograms/milliliter (ng/ml) as 002; record a post-orchiectomy AFP of 11,000 ng/ml as 200. **Note 4**: Code 000 is reserved for exactly 0.0 ng/ml (no measurable amount of AFP). Do not round tiny values down to 0.0 ng/ml; any measured value less than or equal to 0.1 ng/ml should be coded 001. For values greater than 001 ng/ml, round values to the nearest ng/ml. **Note 5**: A lab value expressed in micrograms/liter (ug/L) is equivalent to the same value expressed in ng/ml. **Note 6**: If the initial post-orchiectomy AFP test remains elevated, review the subsequent tests until normalization or plateau occurs and use that test to code this field. See Part I for further explanation of serum tumor marker half life. **Note 7**: If the post-orchiectomy AFP test is done but the actual value is not stated, use code 997. **Note 8**: For rare cases that are treated prior to orchiectomy or an orchiectomy is not performed, code the initial AFP lab value in this field and not in CS Site-Specific Factor 6.




NAACCR #2866
Code Description
000 0 nanograms/milliliter (ng/ml)
001 1 - 19 ng/ml
002 20 - 29 ng/ml
003 30 - 39 ng/ml
004 40 - 49 ng/ml
005 50 - 59 ng/ml
006 60 - 69 ng/ml
007 70 - 79 ng/ml
008 80 - 89 ng/ml
009 90 - 99 ng/ml
010 100 - 199 ng/ml
020 200 - 299 ng/ml
030 300 - 399 ng/ml
040 400 - 499 ng/ml
050 500 - 599 ng/ml
060 600 - 699 ng/ml
070 700 - 799 ng/ml
080 800 - 899 ng/ml
090 900 - 999 ng/ml
100 1000 - 1999 ng/ml
120 2000 - 2999 ng/ml
130 3000 - 3999 ng/ml
140 4000 - 4999 ng/ml
150 5000 - 5999 ng/ml
160 6000 - 6999 ng/ml
170 7000 - 7999 ng/ml
180 8000 - 8999 ng/ml
190 9000 - 9999 ng/ml
200 Greater than or equal to 10, 000 ng/ml
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 may result in an edit error.)
997 Test ordered, results not in chart
998 Test not done (test not ordered and not performed)
999 Unknown or no information
Not documented in patient record