CS Site-Specific Factor 10

Clark Level


**Note**: Code the Clark level as documented in the pathology report.




NAACCR #2864
Code Description
010 Clark level I
In situ, intraepidermal, intraepithelial, noninvasive
Basement membrane of epidermis is intact
020 Clark level II
Papillary dermis invaded
030 Clark level III
Papillary-reticular dermal interface invaded
040 Clark level IV
Reticular dermis invaded
050 Clark level V
Subcutaneous tissue invaded (through entire dermis)
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 may result in an edit error.)
998 No histologic examination of primary site
999 Unknown Clark level or no information
Not documented in patient record