CS Site-Specific Factor 4
Prostate Apex Involvement (OBSOLETE: Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP))
**Note 1**: This CS Site-Specific Factor is collected for cases diagnosed through 12/31/2009. It is not required by any standard setter for cases diagnosed 01/01/2010 forward; use code 988. **Note 2**: Apex involvement was considered in prostate stage classification in the SEER Historic Local/Regional/Distant staging system, although it is not a staging element in AJCC 6 or 7 staging. This item allows collection of information about the involvement of the prostate apex with cancer, both clinically and at prostatectomy, useful for long-term trend analysis of SEER data for prostate anatomic stage. **Note 3**: Cancers arising in the apex were localized, and cancers extending to the prostatic apex were regional in Historic staging. The code digits 3 and 4, described in Note 4, provide specific information about involvement of apex for Historic stage, while the code digit 2 indicates apex involvement but does not distinguish between arising in and extending to. **Note 4**: In codes 110-550, the first digit represents the clinical status of apex involvement found on needle core biopsy, imaging or physical examination. The second digit represents apex involvement found at prostatectomy. The third digit is always 0. _____ _____ __0__ Clinical Apex Pathologic Apex Always "0" Involvement Involvement The digits are defined as follows: 1 - No involvement of prostatic apex: statement of normal apex negative apex involvement (i.e., needle biopsy indicates both apices negative, prostatectomy indicates malignancy only in lobes/base) 2 - Into prostatic apex/arising in prostatic apex, NOS Note: Avoid using this code if more detailed information is available to use 3 or 4 (see Note 3) 3 - Arising in prostatic apex apex is only site of malignancy 4 - Extension into prostatic apex involvement of apex AND other part(s) of prostate statement indicating malignancy started in other part(s) of prostate and extends into apex 5 - Apex extension unknown no description of apex involvement always 2nd digit when prostatectomy not performed **Note 5**: Code apex involvement if clearly documented in the medical record. Try to determine if the cancer has extended into the apex from another part of the prostate or has arisen in the apex. If apex involvement is unknown both clinically and pathologically, use code 550.Default
988NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2910Metadata
Code | Description |
000 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0102 PAP: Test not done (test was not ordered and was not performed) |
010 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0102 PAP: Positive/elevated |
020 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0102 PAP: Negative/normal; within normal limits |
030 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0102 PAP: Borderline; undetermined whether positive or negative |
080 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0102 PAP: Ordered, but results not in chart |
110 | No involvement of prostatic apex clinically and on prostatectomy |
120 | Clinical apex involvement: No involvement AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS |
130 | Clinical apex involvement: No involvement AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Arising in |
140 | Clinical apex involvement: No involvement AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Extension into |
150 | Clinical apex involvement: No involvement AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Unknown |
210 | Clinical apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: No involvement |
220 | Clinical apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS |
230 | Clinical apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Arising in |
240 | Clinical apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Extension into |
250 | Clinical apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Unknown |
310 | Clinical apex involvement: Arising in AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: No involvement |
320 | Clinical apex involvement: Arising in AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS |
330 | Clinical apex involvement: Arising in AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Arising in |
340 | Clinical apex involvement: Arising in AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Extension into |
350 | Clinical apex involvement: Arising in AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Unknown |
410 | Clinical apex involvement: Extension into AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: No involvement |
420 | Clinical apex involvement: Extension into AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS |
430 | Clinical apex involvement: Extension into AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Arising in |
440 | Clinical apex involvement: Extension into AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Extension into |
450 | Clinical apex involvement: Extension into AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Unknown |
510 | Clinical apex involvement: Unknown AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: No involvement |
520 | Clinical apex involvement: Unknown AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Into/arising in, NOS |
530 | Clinical apex involvement: Unknown AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Arising in |
540 | Clinical apex involvement: Unknown AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Extension into |
550 | Clinical apex involvement: Unknown AND Prostatectomy apex involvement: Unknown |
988 | Not applicable: Information not collected for this case (If this item is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 will result in an edit error) |
999 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0102 PAP: Unknown or no information Not documented in patient record |