CS Site-Specific Factor 11

Poorly Differentiated Tumor Percentage


**Note 1**: Record the exact percentage of the primary tumor that is poorly differentiated as documented in the pathology report. **Note 2**: For values greater than zero and less than 1%, round to 001. For codes 001 to 100, round values to the nearest percent.




NAACCR #2865
Code Description
000 Poorly differentiated tumor not present/not identified
001-100 1 - 100 percent
(Exact percentage of poorly differentiated tumor to nearest percent)

001 0.1 to 0.9%
005 5%
010 10%
099 99%
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 may result in an edit error.)
990 Poorly differentiated tumor present, percent not stated
998 No histologic examination of primary site
999 Unknown
Not documented in patient record