CS Lymph Nodes
This input is used for staging
**Note 1**: For head and neck schemas, this field includes all lymph nodes defined as Levels I-VII and Other by AJCC. The complete definitions are provided in the General Rules, Section 2. **Note 2**: For head and neck schemas, additional information about lymph nodes (size of involved nodes, extracapsular extension, levels involved, and location of involved nodes above or below the lower border of the cricoid cartilage) is coded in CS Site-Specific Factors 1, 3-9. **Note 3**: If laterality of lymph nodes is not specified, assume nodes are ipsilateral. Midline nodes are considered ipsilateral. **Note 4**: For head and neck cancers, if lymph nodes are described only as "supraclavicular", try to determine if they are in Level IV (deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the lower jugular chain) or Level V (in the posterior triangle, inferior to the transverse cervical artery) and code appropriately. If the specific level cannot be determined, consider them as Level V nodes. **Note 5**: The description of lymph nodes has been standardized across the head and neck schemas. All lymph node levels and groups listed here are considered regional nodes for AJCC staging. Summary Stage 1977 and Summary Stage 2000 divide these nodes into regional and distant groups. **Note 6**: Duplicate Level IA nodes and Retropharyngeal nodes in CS Version 1 have been removed from code 100 and code 120 respectively. Mandibular nodes are included with Facial nodes.Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2830Code | Description | AJCC 7 N | TNM 6 N | Summary Stage 1977 N | Summary Stage 2000 N |
000 | No regional lymph node involvement | N0 | N0 | NONE | NONE |
100 | Single positive ipsilateral regional node: Level I: Level IB - Submandibular (submaxillary), sublingual Level II - Upper jugular: Jugulodigastric (subdigastric) Upper deep cervical Level IIA - Anterior Level IIB - Posterior Level III - Middle jugular: Middle deep cervical Level IV - Lower jugular: Jugulo-omohyoid (supraomohyoid) Lower deep cervical Virchow node Other groups: Retropharyngeal Cervical, NOS Deep cervical, NOS Internal jugular, NOS Regional lymph node, NOS |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
110 | Single positive ipsilateral regional node : Level IA - Submental |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | RN |
120 | Single positive ipsilateral regional node: Level V - Posterior triangle group: Posterior cervical Level VA - Spinal accessory Level VB - Transverse cervical, supraclavicular (see Note 4) Level VI - Anterior compartment group: Laterotracheal Paralaryngeal Paratracheal - above suprasternal notch Perithyroidal Precricoid (Delphian) Prelaryngeal Pretracheal - above suprasternal notch Recurrent laryngeal Level VII - Superior mediastinal group (for other mediastinal nodes see CS Mets at DX): Esophageal groove Paratracheal - below suprasternal notch Pretracheal - below suprasternal notch Other groups: Facial: Buccinator (buccal) Mandibular Nasolabial Parotid: Infraauricular Intraparotid Periparotid Preauricular Parapharyngeal Retroauricular (mastoid) Suboccipital |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | D |
180 | Stated as N1 with no other information on regional lymph nodes | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
190 | Stated as N2a with no other information on regional lymph nodes | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
200 | Multiple positive ipsilateral nodes listed in code 100 | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
210 | Multiple positive ipsilateral nodes, any listed in code 110 WITH or WITHOUT nodes listed in code 100 |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | RN |
220 | Multiple positive ipsilateral nodes, any listed in code 120 WITH or WITHOUT nodes listed in code 100 or 110 |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | D |
290 | Stated as N2b with no other information on regional lymph nodes | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
300 | Positive ipsilateral nodes listed in code 100, not stated if single or multiple | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
310 | Positive ipsilateral nodes listed in code 110, not stated if single or multiple | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | RN |
320 | Positive ipsilateral nodes listed in code 120, not stated if single or multiple | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | D |
400 | Positive bilateral or contralateral nodes listed in code 100 | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
410 | Positive bilateral or contralateral nodes, any listed in code 110 WITH or WITHOUT nodes listed in code 100 |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | RN |
420 | Positive bilateral or contralateral nodes, any listed in code 120 WITH or WITHOUT nodes listed in code 100 or 110 |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | D |
490 | Stated as N2c with no other information on regional lymph nodes | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
500 | Positive nodes listed in code 100, not stated if ipsilateral, or bilateral, or contralateral AND not stated if single or multiple |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
510 | Positive nodes listed in code 110, not stated if ipsilateral, or bilateral, or contralateral AND not stated if single or multiple |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | RN |
520 | Positive nodes listed in code 120, not stated if ipsilateral, or bilateral, or contralateral AND not stated if single or multiple |
Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | D | D |
600 | Stated as N2 [NOS] with no other information on regional lymph nodes | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
700 | Stated as N3 with no other information on regional lymph nodes | Lymph Nodes Size | Lymph Nodes Size | RN | RN |
800 | Lymph nodes, NOS | N1 | N1 | RN | RN |
999 | Unknown; regional lymph nodes not stated Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record |
NX | NX | U | U |