CS Site-Specific Factor 15
Extent of Liver Resection
**Note**: Since there is no serosa on the gallbladder on the side attached to the liver, a simple cholecystectomy may not completely remove a T2 tumor, even though such tumors are considered to be confined to the gallbladder. An important anatomic consideration is that the serosa along the liver edge is more densely adherent to the liver (cystic plate) and much of this is often left behind at time of cholecystectomy. For this reason, partial hepatic resection incorporating portions of segments IVb and V is advocated for some cases.Default
988NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2869Code | Description |
010 | Partial hepatectomy (one or more liver segments) |
020 | Wedge resection |
030 | Right or left hepatectomy (formal lobectomy) |
040 | Extended hepatectomy (right or left trisectionectomy or trisegmentectomy) |
050 | Liver resection, NOS |
988 | Not applicable: Information not collected for this case (If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 may result in an edit error.) |
998 | No resection of liver |
999 | Unknown or no information Not documented in patient record |