CS Site-Specific Factor 19

Assessment of Positive Ipsilateral Axillary Lymph Nodes


**Note**: Code the assessment method used for the number of positive axillary and intramammary lymph nodes coded in CS Site-Specific Factor 3, Number of Positive Ipsilateral Level I-II Axillary Lymph Nodes. Do not code the assessment method used for Level III axillary nodes or internal mammary nodes.




NAACCR #2873
Code Description
000 No ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes positive
010 No nodes examined pathologically: positive nodes on clinical assessment only
015 No nodes examined pathologically: negative nodes on clinical assessment or no clinical assessment
020 Positive fine needle aspiration (FNA) only
025 Positive fine needle aspiration (FNA)
AND negative lymph node dissection
027 Positive fine needle aspiration (FNA)
AND positive lymph node dissection
030 Positive core biopsy, incisional only
040 Positive core biopsy, excisional only
050 Positive core biopsy, type not specified only
060 Positive core biopsy(ies) (incisional, excisional, NOS)
AND negative lymph node dissection
070 Positive core biopsy(ies) (incisional, excisional, NOS)
AND positive lymph node dissection
100 Positive sentinel lymph node biopsy(ies) only
(no lymph node dissection)
110 Positive sentinel lymph node biopsy(ies)
AND negative lymph node dissection
120 Positive sentinel lymph node biopsy(ies)
AND positive lymph node dissection
123 Positive lymph node dissection only
(No sentinel node biopsy or FNA or core biopsy)
125 Positive lymph node dissection
AND negative FNA
127 Positive lymph node dissection
AND negative core biopsy(ies) (incisional, excisional, NOS)
130 Positive lymph node dissection
AND negative sentinel node biospsy(ies)
No sentinel node biopsy
AND positive lymph node dissection
150 Nodes positive, but method of assessment unknown
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 may result in an edit error.)
See code 150

Nodes positive, but method of assessment unknown
999 Unknown or no information
Not documented in patient record