CS Site-Specific Factor 11

This input is used for staging

Histopathologic Grading


Note 1: Histologic grading is used to distinguish between IVA and IVB anatomic stage/prognostic groups. It is considered to be of particular importance for mucinous carcinomas (morphology codes 8480, 8481, and 8490).

Note 2: Select the code for the highest grade from the primary tumor tissue as described on the pathology report prior to neoadjuvant treatment.

Note 3: The term "undifferentiated" should not apply to mucinous tumors because a tumor that makes mucin is, by definition, differentiated into mucin-producing tumor cells.




NAACCR #2865


Code Description
010 For NON-MUCINOUS tumors:
Well differentiated
Grade 1/4
011 For MUCINOUS tumors:
Grade 1/2
Grade 1/3
Grade 1/4
Low grade
Well differentiated

Stated as Grade 1 with no information on the total number of codes in the grading system
020 For NON-MUCINOUS tumors:
Moderately differentiated
Grade 2/4
021 For MUCINOUS tumors:
Grade 2/2
Grade 2/3
Grade 2/4
Grade 3/3
Grade 3/4
High grade
Moderately differentiated
Poorly differentiated

Stated as Grade 2 or Grade 3 with no information on the total number of codes in the grading system
030 For NON-MUCINOUS tumors:
Poorly differentiated
Grade 3/4
040 For NON-MUCINOUS tumors:
Grade 4/4
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 988 may result in an edit error.)
998 No pathologic confirmation of primary site tumor
999 Unknown or no information
Not documented in patient record