CS Extension
This input is used for staging
**Note 1**: High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) grade II III are not normally collected by cancer registries. AIN II III or AIN III is reportable to standard-setters (except the Commission on Cancer). If your registry collects any of these, use code 000. **Note 2**: The assignment of T1, T2 , and T3 categories for tumors of the anus is based on tumor size. A physician's statement of the T category may be used to code CS Tumor Size and/or CS Extension if this is the only information in the medical record regarding one or both of these fields. However the two fields are coded independently: for example the record may document size but not extension, other than the physician's statement of the T category. Use code 310, 320, 330, or 850 as appropriate to code CS Extension based on a statement of T when no other extension information is available. **Note 3**: Code incidental finding of malignancy in hemorrhoid according to greatest extension of tumor into wall of anus. Code as Localized, NOS if extension not specified. **Note 4**: Codes 400-750 are used for contiguous extension from the site of origin. Discontinuous involvement is coded in CS Mets at DX.Default
999NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2810Code | Description | AJCC 7 T | AJCC 6 T | Summary Stage 1977 T | Summary Stage 2000 T |
000 | In situ, intraepithelial, noninvasive AIN III Bowen disease |
Tis | Tis | IS | IS |
100 | Invasive tumor confined to mucosa, NOS (including intramucosal, NOS) | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
110 | Invades lamina propria | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
120 | Invades muscularis mucosae | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
160 | Invades submucosa (superficial invasion) | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
200 | Invades muscularis propria (internal sphincter) | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
300 | Incidental finding of malignancy in hemorrhoid, NOS Localized, NOS |
Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
310 | Stated as T1 with no other information on extension | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
320 | Stated as T2 with no other information on extension | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
330 | Stated as T3 with no other information on extension | Extension Size | Extension Size | L | L |
400 | Ischiorectal fat/tissue Perianal skin Perirectal skin Rectal mucosa or submucosa Rectal wall Skeletal muscle(s): Anal sphincter (external) Levator ani Subcutaneous perianal tissue |
Extension Size | Extension Size | RE | RE |
600 | Perineum Vulva |
T4 | T4 | RE | RE |
700 | Bladder Pelvic peritoneum Urethra Vagina |
T4 | T4 | D | D |
750 | Broad ligament(s) Cervix uteri Corpus uteri Prostate |
T4 | T4 | D | D |
800 | Further contiguous extension | T4 | T4 | D | D |
850 | Stated as T4 with no other information on extension | T4 | T4 | RE | RE |
950 | No evidence of primary tumor | T0 | T0 | U | U |
999 | Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record |
TX | TX | U | U |