Stop if neither Clin nor Path were Captured


**Note:** We do not currently plan to accept records where Clin T, N, M, Stage Group, Path T, N M and Stage Group are all blank. All Derived fields will be left blank.
Clinical T Clinical N Clinical M Directly Assigned Clin Stage Pathologic T Pathologic N Patholgic M Directly Assigned Path Stage Combined T Source of Combined T Combined N Source of Combined N Combined M Source of Combined M Combined Stage Group Continue?
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK>, 99 <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{clin_stage_group_direct}} STOP
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK>, 99, <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{path_stage_group_direct}} STOP
88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 9 88 9 88 9 88 STOP
<Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH
Clinical T Clinical N Clinical M Directly Assigned Clin Stage Pathologic T Pathologic N Patholgic M Directly Assigned Path Stage Combined T Source of Combined T Combined N Source of Combined N Combined M Source of Combined M Combined Stage Group Continue?
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{clin_stage_group_direct}} STOP
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{path_stage_group_direct}} STOP
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> 99 <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{path_stage_group_direct}} STOP
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> 99 <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{clin_stage_group_direct}} STOP
<BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> {{path_stage_group_direct}} STOP
88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 9 88 9 88 9 88 STOP
<Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH