Adjust Path T, N, M defaults if No Clin exam done or No Path procedure done


**Note 1:** A cancer may only have clinical information if no pathologic procedure (like a resection) is done. In these cases, the Pathologic T, N and M will be left blank. The algorithm will set the Derived Pathologic Stage Group to 99. The Clinical T, N and M will be used for the Combined fields. **Note 2:** Similarly, a cancer may not have had a clinical workup was not done, but there is pathologic information. In these cases, the Clinical T and N will be left blank. The algorithm will set the Derived Cinical Stage Group based on the defaults of TX and NX. Generally, for M0, stage group = 99; for M1, stage group = IV. The Pathologic T, N and M will be used for the Combined fields. **Note 3:** The medical record may only have the stage group and not the T, N and M values. In this case, the stage group will be copied into the derived stage group. If there are values for one set of T, N and M (Clinical or Pathologic) only a stage group for the other, the T, N and M values that are present will determine the Combined T, N and M values. **Note 4:** Since Placenta does not have N, Combined N is set to 88 as it does not apply.
Clinical T Clinical M Directly Assigned Clin Stage Pathologic T Pathologic M Directly Assigned Path Stage Derived Clin Stage Group Derived Path Stage Group Combined T set in defaults Source of Combined T Combined N set in defaults Source of Combined N Combined M set in defaults Source of Combined M
<BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> {{clin_stage_group_direct}} {{path_stage_group_direct}} <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK> <BLANK>
<BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> 88 88 <Any value> {{clin_stage_group_direct}} MATCH 88 9 88 9 88 9
88 88 <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> MATCH {{path_stage_group_direct}} 88 9 88 9 88 9
<Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> MATCH {{path_stage_group_direct}} {{tmp_clin_t}} 1 88 9 {{tmp_clin_m}} 1
<BLANK> <BLANK> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> {{clin_stage_group_direct}} MATCH {{tmp_path_t}} 2 88 9 {{tmp_path_m}} 2
<Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> <Any value> MATCH MATCH MATCH MATCH 88 9 MATCH MATCH