Site-Specific Factor 5

Size of Metastasis in Lymph Nodes


**Note 1:** If the only information on the size of the metastatic lymph node mass is the physician's assignment of the N category, assign code 010 for N1, 020 for N2, or 030 for N3. **Note 2:** If extranodal extension is not described on the pathology report or pathologic assessment of regional lymph nodes is not performed, assume extranodal extension is not present. **Note 3:** Do not code the size of any distant lymph node(s).




NAACCR #2920


Code Description
000 No lymph node metastasis
010 Lymph node metastasis mass 2 centimeter (cm) or less in greatest dimension
WITHOUT pathologic extranodal extension of tumor
(See Note 2)

Stated as N1 with no other information on regional lymph nodes
020 Lymph node metastasis mass more than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm in greatest dimension
OR pathologic extranodal extension of tumor

Stated as N2 with no other information on regional lymph nodes
030 Lymph node metastasis mass more than 5 cm in greatest dimension

Stated as N3 with no other information on regional lymph nodes
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
999 Regional lymph nodes involved, size of lymph node mass not stated
Unknown if regional nodes involved
Not documented in patient record