Site-Specific Factor 6

This input is used for staging

Mitotic Count


Note 1: The mitotic rate, the count of mitoses (also termed "mitotic figures") per 50 high-power fields (HPF), reflects the potential aggressiveness or prognosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and is used alone to determine their histologic grade (low or high). The mitotic rate is also a factor in assigning the AJCC 7 anatomic stage/prognostic group. This site-specific factor presumes the denominator of 50 HPF or its equivalent, so just the numerator (the mitotic count) is coded here. For other schemas in which mitotic count is collected, the denominator may vary. (1)

Note 2: A HPF usually has a magnification objective of 40 (a 40x field). As described in the AJCC chapter on GIST, 50 HPF are equivalent to viewing a total area of 5 square millimeters (mm) at 40x magnification. (1)

Note 3: Record mitotic count, to the nearest tenth of a mitosis, as documented in the pathology report. For example, a mitotic count of 6/50 HPF, or 6 per 5 square mm, would be coded 060.

Note 4: Code the specific mitotic count only per 50 HPF or 5 square mm; assume the denominator is 50 HPF or 5 square mm if not specified.

Note 5: Use code 996 for a description of mitoses, NOS, or if the mitotic count is expressed with a specific denominator other than 50 HPF or 5 square mm.




NAACCR #2930
Code Description
000 0.0 mitoses per 50 high-power fields (HPF) (40x fields)
0.0 mitoses per 5 square millimeters (mm)
Mitoses absent
No mitoses present
001-008 0.1-0.8 mitoses per 50 HPF (40x field)
0.1-0.8 mitoses per 5 square mm
009 0.9 mitoses per 50 HPF (40x fields)
0.9 mitoses per 5 square mm

Stated as less than 1 mitosis per 50 HPF (40x fields)
Stated as less than 1 mitosis per 5 square mm
010-100 1 - 10 mitoses per 50 HPF (40x fields)
1 - 10 mitoses per 5 square mm
110 11 or more mitoses per 50 HPF (40x fields)
11 or more mitoses per 5 square mm
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
990 Specific number not stated, described as less than or equal to 5 mitoses per 50 HPF (40x fields)
Specific number not stated, described as less than or equal to 5 mitoses per 5 square mm

Stated as low mitotic count or rate with no specific number
991 Specific number not stated, described as more than 5 mitoses per 50 HPF (40x fields)
Specific number not stated, described as more than 5 mitoses per 5 square mm

Stated as high mitotic count or rate with no specific number
996 Mitotic count described with denominator other than 50 HPF (40x field)/5 square mm
MItoses present, NOS
998 No histologic specimen from primary site
999 Unknown or no information
Not documented in patient record

(1) American Joint Committee on Cancer., & Edge, S.B. (2010) AJCC Cancer Staging Manual (7th ed.). New York; London: Springer, pg. 176