Site-Specific Factor 5

Distance to Distal Edge of Tumor from Incisors


**Note 1:** The distance from the incisors to the distal edge of the tumor is collected in this Site-Specific Factor. The location of the tumor's distal edge within the esophagus may be described based on imaging, esophagoscopy, or surgical results. **Note 2:** Record the distance from the incisors to the distal edge of tumor to the nearest centimeter (cm). **Note 3:** Calculate the distance to the distal edge of tumor if the distance to the proximal edge and the length of the tumor is known.




NAACCR #2920
Code Description
001-060 1 - 60 centimeters (cm)
(Exact distance from incisors to distal edge of tumor to the nearest centimeter.)
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
991 Described as "less than 20 cm" or "greater than 15 cm" or "between 15 and 20 cm"
992 Described as "less than 25 cm" or "greater than 20 cm" or "between 20 and 25 cm"
993 Described as "less than 30 cm" or "greater than 25 cm" or "between 25 and 30 cm"
994 Described as "less than 40 cm" or "greater than 30 cm" or "between 30 and 40 cm"
995 Described as "less than 45 cm" or "greater than 40 cm" or "between 40 and 45 cm"
996 Described as "less than 60 cm" or "greater than 45 cm" or "between 45 and 60 cm"
997 Described as "greater than 60 cm"
999 Unknown or no information
Not documented in patient record