Pathologic N

This input is used for staging


**Note 1:** Histological examination of a regional lymphadenectomy specimen will ordinarily include 6 or more lymph nodes. If the lymph nodes are negative, but the number ordinarily is not met, classify as pN0. (1) **Note 2:** Code only regional nodes and nodes, NOS, in this field. Distant nodes are coded in M (distant metastasis). **Regional lymph nodes** **Duodenum primaries only (C170)** Duodenal Gastroduodenal Hepatic Pancreaticoduodenal Pericholodochal (common bile duct) Pyloric: infrapyloric, subpyloric Superior mesenteric **Jejunum primaries only (C171)** Mesenteric, NOS Superior mesenteric **Ileum primaries only (C172)** Cecal (anterior, posterior, retrocecal) Ileocecal Mesenteric, NOS Superior mesenteric


Pathologic N Pathologic N Display Description Registrar Notes
pX pNX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed Pathologic classification criteria met, evaluation done:
Physician unable to assess N
Surgical resection primary tumor, no regional lymph nodes removed
Involvement of regional lymph nodes not documented
Physician assigns pNX, no other information available to determine N
p0 pN0 No regional lymph node metastasis
p1 pN1 Regional lymph node metastasis Regional lymph node(s), NOS
Lymph nodes, NOS

Stated as N1
c0 cN0 Clinically: No regional lymph node metastasis Use only for TNM defined pTis cases where there is a resection of the primary and the nodes are not evaluated pathologically
88 88 Not applicable In situ case but no pTis is defined by TNM
Death certificate only (DCO) case
<BLANK> BLANK See Registrar Notes Pathologic classification criteria not met
No surgical resection of primary tumor and there isn’t a positive biopsy of a structure in the highest T category and highest N category
Evidence of metastatic disease (pM1), no other workup
Only Pathologic Stage Group documented (no T, N, or M information available)
(1) International Union Against Cancer (UICC) *TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors,* 7th ed., Sobin, LH, Gospodarowicz, M, Wittekind, CH, eds. New York: Wiley, 2009, pg., 84