Site-Specific Factor 3
Number of Regional Lymph Nodes with Extracapsular Tumor
Note: Record the information from the pathology report. If no nodes are removed, code 998. If the pathology report is unavailable, use code 997.
988NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2900Code | Description |
000 | All nodes examined negative for cancer involvement All nodes examined negative for extracapsular tumor |
001-089 | 1 - 89 nodes positive for extracapsular tumor (Exact number of nodes with extracapsular tumor.) |
090 | Nodes positive for extracapsular tumor, number unknown or not stated |
988 | Not applicable: Information not collected for this case |
990 | Positive nodes, not stated if extracapsular tumor present |
997 | Histopathologic examination of lymph nodes performed, results not available |
998 | No histopathologic examination of lymph nodes |
999 | Unknown if regional lymph node(s) involved pathologically Not documented in patient record |