Site-Specific Factor 7
Surgical Resection
**Note 1:** Record the details of surgical resection here even if previously recorded within the abstract. **Note 2:** If the case is clinically diagnosed and no surgical resection is performed, use code 000. **Note 3:** Do not record stereotactic radiosurgery as tumor destruction. It should be recorded in the radiation treatment items.Default
988NAACCR Item
NAACCR #2861Code | Description |
000 | No surgery of primary site; autopsy only |
010 | Tumor destruction, NOS No specimen sent to pathology |
020 | Local excision (biopsy) of tumor, lesion or mass Specimen sent to pathology |
021 | Subtotal resection of tumor, lesion, or mass of brain (Less than half of lobe involved with tumor) Specimen sent to pathology |
022 | Resection of tumor of spinal cord or nerve |
030 | Radical, total, gross resection of tumor, lesion or mass in brain (Less than half of lobe involved with tumor) (Not applicable for spinal cord or spinal nerve primary) |
040 | Partial resection of lobe of brain (Tumor involves more than half of lobe) (Not applicable for spinal cord or spinal nerve primary) |
055 | Gross total resection of lobe of brain (lobectomy) (Tumor involves more than half of lobe) (Not applicable for spinal cord or spinal nerve primary) |
090 | Surgery, NOS |
988 | Not applicable: Information not collected for this case |
999 | Unknown if surgery performed; death certificate only Not documented in patient record |