Clinical T

This input is used for staging


**Note 1:** Palpebral and tarsal conjunctiva line the eyelid, bulbar conjunctiva covers the eyeball, forniceal conjunctiva covers the space between the eyelid and the globe. According to TNM, tumors are most likely to arise at the exposed site where the conjunctival epithelium merges with the corneal epithelium, particularly at the temporal limbus. (1) **Note 2:** For the following descriptions, assign the appropriate T category based on the tumor size recorded in **Site-Specific Factor 1, Tumor Size**. Tumor confined to one subsite of conjunctiva Bulbar conjunctiva Forniceal conjunctiva Palpebral conjunctiva Tarsal conjunctiva Tumor confined to one subsite of conjunctiva, NOS Localized, NOS


Clinical T Clinical T Display Description Registrar Notes
cX cTX Primary tumor cannot be assessed Clinical classification criteria met, evaluation done:
Physician unable to assess T
Extension cannot be determined
Tumor size (TS) unknown for T categories where TS needed to determine T
Physician assigns cTX, no other information available to determine T
c0 cT0 No evidence of primary tumor
pIS pTis Carcinoma in situ Intraepithelial, noninvasive

Stated as Tis
c1 cT1 Tumor 5 mm or less in greatest dimension Stated as T1
c2 cT2 Tumor more than 5 mm in greatest dimension
WITHOUT invasion of adjacent structures
Stated as T2
c3 cT3 Tumor invades adjacent structures Intraocular extension
Cornea (3, 6, 9, or 12 o'clock hours)
Intraocular compartments

Tumor involving more than one subsite of conjunctiva:
Bulbar conjunctiva
Forniceal conjunctiva (lower and/or upper)
Palpebral conjunctiva (lower and/or upper)
Tarsal conjunctiva (lower and/or upper)

Tumor involving more than one subsite of conjunctiva NOS

Adjacent extraocular extension, excluding orbit:
Anterior eyelid lamella
Eyelid margin (lower and/or upper)
Lacrimal punctum and canaliculi (lower and/or upper)
Posterior eyelid lamella

Stated as T3
c4 cT4 Tumor invades the orbit or beyond Note: T4 has subcategories of T4a, T4b, T4c and T4d. Assign T4 only when there is no information available to assign one of the subcategories

Stated as T4 [NOS]
c4A cT4a Tumor invades orbital soft tissue
WITHOUT bone invasion
Orbital soft tissues without bone invasion

Stated as T4a
c4B cT4b Tumor invades bone Bone of orbit

Stated as T4b
c4C cT4c Tumor invades adjacent paranasal sinuses Adjacent paranasal sinuses

Stated as T4c
c4D cT4d Tumor invades brain Further contiguous extension

Stated as T4d
88 88 Not applicable Primary site/histology not TNM defined
Death certificate only (DCO) case
<BLANK> BLANK See Registrar Notes Clinical classification criteria not met
Clinical classification criteria met, evaluation done:
No information about diagnostic workup
Results not documented in record
Clinical evaluation of primary tumor not done or unknown if done
Tumor first detected on surgical resection (no clinical workup)
Evidence of metastatic disease [(cM1) or (pM1)], no other workup
Only Clinical Stage Group documented (no T, N, or M information available)
(1) American Joint Committee on Cancer., & Edge, S.B. (2010) AJCC Cancer Staging Manual (7th ed.). New York; London: Springer, pgs. 531-537