Site-Specific Factor 4

Tumor Deposits


**Note 1:** Tumor deposits (TD) are defined as one or more satellite peritumoral nodules in the pericolorectal adipose tissue of a primary carcinoma without histologic evidence of residual lymph node in the nodule. Such TD may represent discontinuous spread, venous invasion with extravascular spread, or a totally replaced lymph node. **Note 2:** Record the number of TD whether or not there are positive lymph nodes. **Note 3:** Assign code 000 if surgical resection of the primary site is performed, the pathology report is available for review, and tumor deposits are not mentioned.




NAACCR #2910


Code Description
000 None
001-080 1-80 Tumor deposits (TD)
(Exact number of TD)
081 81 or more TD
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
990 TD identified, number unknown
998 No surgical resection of primary site
999 Unknown or no information
Insufficient information; indeterminiate if TD present
Not documented in patient record