Site-Specific Factor 8

Pre-Orchiectomy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Lab Value


**Note 1:** Record the value of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test as documented in the patient record prior to orchiectomy and other treatment. **Note 2:** Use the same laboratory test to record values in **Site-Specific Factor 8, re-Orchiectomy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Lab Value** and **Site-Specific Factor 9, Pre-Orchiectomy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Range**. **Note 3:** Record a pretreatment hCG of 20 milli-International Units/milliliter (mIU/ml) as 002; record a pretreatment hCG of 11,000 mIU/ml as 200 **Note 4:** Code 000 is reserved for exactly 0.0 mIU/ml (no measurable amount of hCG). Do not round tiny values down to 0.0 mIU/ml; any measured value less than or equal to 0.1 mIU/ml should be coded 001. * For values greater than 001 mIU/ml, round values to the nearest mIU/ml. **Note 5:** A lab value expressed in International Units/liter (IU/L) is equivalent to the same value expressed in milli-International Units/milliliter (mIU/ml). **Note 6:** If the preorchiectomy hCG test is done but the actual value is not stated, use code 997. **Note 7:** For rare cases that are treated prior to orchiectomy, use code 995 in this field and record the initial hCG lab value in **Site-Specific Factor 14, Post-Orchiectomy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Lab Value**. **Note 8:** For rare cases that an orchiectomy is not performed, use code 996 in this field and record the initial hCG lab value in **Site-Specific Factor 14, Post-Orchiectomy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Lab Value**.




NAACCR #2862


Code Description
000 0 milli-International Units/milliliter (mIU/ml)
001 1 - 19 mIU/ml
002 20 - 29 mIU/ml
003 30 - 39 mIU/ml
004 40 - 49 mIU/ml
005 50 - 59 mIU/ml
006 60 - 69 mIU/ml
007 70 - 79 mIU/ml
008 80 - 89 mIU/ml
009 90 - 99 mIU/ml
010 100 - 199 mIU/ml
020 200 - 299 mIU/ml
030 300 - 399 mIU/ml
040 400 - 499 mIU/ml
050 500 - 599 mIU/ml
060 600 - 699 mIU/ml
070 700 - 799 mIU/ml
080 800 - 899 mIU/ml
090 900 - 999 mIU/ml
100 1000 - 1999 mIU/ml
120 2000 - 2999 mIU/ml
130 3000 - 3999 mIU/ml
140 4000 - 4999 mIU/ml
150 5000 - 5999 mIU/ml
160 6000 - 6999 mIU/ml
170 7000 - 7999 mIU/ml
180 8000 - 8999 mIU/ml
190 9000 - 9999 mIU/ml
200 10, 000 - 19, 999 mIU/ml
220 20, 000 - 29, 999 mIU/ml
230 30, 000 - 39, 999 mIU/ml
240 40, 000 - 49, 999 mIU/ml
250 Greater than or equal to 50,000 mIU/ml
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
995 Pretreated case, initial human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) lab value recorded in Site-Specific Factor 14
996 No orchiectomy performed, initial hCG lab value recorded in Site-Specific Factor 14
997 Test ordered, results not in chart
998 Test not done (test not ordered and not performed)
999 Unknown or no information
Not documented in patient record