Site-Specific Factor 9

Extracapsular Extension Pathologically, Lymph Nodes for Head and Neck


Note 1: Extracapsular extension is assessed on histopathologic examination of surgically resected involved regional nodes.

Note 2:  Code the status of extracapsular extension assessed on histopathologic examination of any involved regional lymph node(s) coded in Pathologic N. Do not code extracapsular extension for any distant lymph node(s).

Note 3: If nodes are involved pathologically but there is no statement of extranodal extension in the pathology report, use code 010.

Note 4: Code microscopic or macroscropic extranodal extension as stated in the final diagnosis of the pathology report. If not stated in the final diagnosis, code microscopic if extranodal extension is described only in the microscopic section of the pathology report and macroscopic if extranodal extension is described in the gross section of the pathology report. Macroscopic extension takes priority over microscopic extension.

Note 5: Use code 040 if pathologic extracapsular extension is described with no further information and the pathology report is not available for review.




NAACCR #2863


Code Description
000 No regional lymph nodes involved pathologically
010 Regional lymph node(s) involved pathologically, no extracapsular extension pathologically
020 Regional lymph node(s) involved pathologically
MICROSCOPIC extracapsular extension pathologically
030 Regional lymph node(s) involved pathologically
MACROSCOPIC extracapsular extension pathologically
040 Regional lymph node(s) involved pathologically, extracapsular extension pathologically, unknown if microscopic or macroscopic
050 Regional lymph node(s) involved pathologically, unknown if extracapsular extension
988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
997 Histopathologic examination of regional lymph nodes performed, results not available
998 No histopathologic examination of regional lymph nodes OR
Fine needle aspiration or needle biopsy only of regional nodes
999 Unknown if regional lymph nodes involved pathologically, not stated
Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
Not documented in patient record