Pathologic T
This input is used for staging
Note 1: Non-invasive carcinomas in the esophagus formerly called in situ are now called high grade dysplasia. High grade dysplasia and severe dysplasia are generally not reportable in cancer registries.
- Assign pTis if your registry collects these tumors
Note 2: Ignore intraluminal extension to adjacent segment(s) of esophagus or to cardia of stomach and code depth of invasion or extra-esophageal spread as indicated.
Note 3: The three layers of the mucosa (epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosae) may be called the m1, m2, and m3 layers. The submucosa may be described as having inner, middle, and outer thirds called sm1, sm2, and sm3.
Note 4: If the diagnosis states linitis plastica and no other information regarding primary tumor is available, assign T1. Linitis plastica is defined as diffuse involvement of the entire stomach wall.
Note 5: Assign T4a for contiguous extension from the site of origin. Discontinuous involvement is coded in distant metastasis.except for implants within the stomach (T1).
NAACCR #880Pathologic T | Pathologic T Display | Description | Registrar Notes |
pX | pTX | Primary tumor cannot be assessed | Pathologic classification criteria met, evaluation done: Physician unable to assess T Surgical resection of primary tumor, extension not stated Physician assigns pTX, no other information available to determine T |
p0 | pT0 | No evidence of primary tumor | |
pIS | pTis | Carcinoma in situ/high-grade dysplasia | Non-invasive (Adeno)carcinoma, noninvasive, in a polyp Stated as Tis |
p1 | pT1 | Tumor invades: Lamina propria Muscularis mucosae Submucosa |
Note: T1 has subcategories of T1a and T1b. Assign T1 only when there is no information available to assign one of the subcategories. Tumor in polyp, NOS Implants inside stomach Localized, NOS Stated as T1 [NOS] |
p1A | pT1a | Tumor invades lamina propria or muscularis mucosae | Invasive tumor confined to mucosa, NOS (including intramucosal, NOS) Invades lamina propria or muscularis mucosae Stated as T1a |
p1B | pT1b | Tumor invades submucosa | Stated as T1b |
p2 | pT2 | Tumor invades muscularis propria | Invades into but not through muscularis propria Linitis plastica (and no other information regarding extension available) Stated as T2 |
p3 | pT3 | Tumor invades adventitia | Extension through wall, NOS Invasion through muscularis propria or muscularis, NOS Perimuscular tissue invaded Subserosal tissue/(sub)serosal fat invaded Adventitia and/or soft tissue invaded Esophagus is described as "FIXED" Extension to adjacent (connective) tissue WITHOUT perforation of visceral peritoneum covering these structures: Gastric artery Ligaments: Gastrocolic Gastrohepatic Gastrosplenic Omentum, NOS Greater Lesser Perigastric fat Stated as T3 |
p4 | pT4 | Tumor invades adjacent structures | Note: T4 has subcategories of T4a and T4b. Assign T4 only when there is no information available to assign one of the subcategories. Stated as T4[NOS] |
p4A | pT4a | Tumor invades: Pleura Pericardium Diaphragm |
Invasion of/through serosa (mesothelium) (tunica serosa) (visceral peritoneum), including: Perforation of visceral peritoneum covering the gastric ligaments or the omentum WITHOUT invasion of adjacent structures Abdominal wall Adrenal gland Kidney Retroperitoneum Pericardium Pleura Diaphragm Stated as T4a |
p4B | pT4b | Tumor invades other adjacent structures such as: Aorta Trachea Vertebral body |
Tumor invades adjacent structures: Duodenum via serosa Duodenum, NOS Esophagus via serosa Ileum Jejunum Liver Pancreas Small intestine, NOS Spleen Transverse colon (including flexures) Stated as unresectable, NOS Stated as T4b |
88 | 88 | Not applicable | Primary site/histology not TNM defined Death certificate only (DCO) case |
<BLANK> | BLANK | See Registrar Notes | Pathologic classification criteria not met Pathologic classification criteria met, evaluation done: Results not documented in patient record No surgical resection of known primary tumor (not T0) Resection insufficient for site-specific pathologic assessment No surgical resection of primary tumor and there isn’t a positive biopsy of a structure in the highest T category and highest N category Evidence of metastatic disease (pM1), no other workup Only Pathologic Stage Group documented (no T, N, or M information available) |