NAACCR Item #3614: Derived SEER Cmb Stg Grp
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
3614 | 5 | SEER | 2016 | 16 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.derivedSeerCmbStgGrp
This data item is needed to store the results of the derived algorithmic calculation of SEER Combined Stage Group.
Rationale for change proposal (potential benefits of change): The SEER Program is developing an algorithm to calculate clinical and pathologic stage group based on their T, N, and M components and additional information as needed to calculate stage. For example, for thyroid, additional information is needed on histology and age to calculate stage. Once the T, N, and M are known an algorithm can assign the stage group instead of a registrar having to look up the stage. There are also provisions for a separate field for directly assigned stage group if the registrar prefers entering it.
0A | Stage 0 |
0IS | Stage 0is |
1 | Stage I |
1A | Stage IA |
1A2 | Stage IA2 |
1B | Stage IB |
1B1 | Stage IB1 |
1B2 | Stage IB2 |
1C | Stage IC |
1S | Stage IS |
2 | Stage 2 |
2A | Stage 2A |
2A1 | Stage |
2A2 | Stage IIA2 |
2B | Stage IIB |
2C | Stage IIC |
3 | Stage III |
3A | Stage IIIA |
3B | Stage IIIB |
3C | Stage IIIC |
3C1 | Stage IIIC1 |
3C2 | Stage IIIC2 |
4 | Stage IV |
4A | Stage IVA |
4A1 | Stage IVA1 |
4A2 | Stage IV42 |
4B | Stage IVB |
4C | Stage IV4C |
OC | Occult |
88 | Not applicable |
99 | Unknown |
Blank | The algorithm has not been run |