NAACCR Item #3616: Derived SEER Combined T

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
3616 5 SEER

NAACCR XML: Tumor.derivedSeerCombinedT


This new data item is needed to store the results of the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Combined T.


The SEER Program has collected data from 2004 on AJCC 6th T, N, M and stage and from 2010 on AJCC 7th T, N, M and stage based on algorithmic derivation from Collaborative Stage (CS) data. These data were based on combining information from both the clinical and pathologic into a combined (or ‘best’) derived T, N, M and stage group. SEER would like to continue to be able to derive a combined T, N, M and stage group in order to evaluate time trends in cancer incidence by stage. SEER is designing an algorithm to combine the clinical and pathologic information for T, N, and M into a derived combined T, N and M and then the combined T, N, and M and additional information as needed are used to derive a combined stage.

88Not applicable
BlankNot derived