NAACCR Item #1380: RX Summ--Surg/Rad Seq
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
1380 | 1 | SEER/CoC |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.rxSummSurgRadSeq
Alternate Names
Radiation Sequence with Surgery (pre-96 SEER/CoC)
Radiation/Surgery Sequence (CoC)
Codes for the sequencing of radiation and surgery given as part of the first course of treatment. See also RX Summ--Surg Prim Site [1290], RX Summ--Scope LN Surg [1292], RX Summ--Surg Oth Reg/Dis [1294], and RX Summ--Radiation [1360].
0 | No radiation and/or no surgery; unknown if surgery and/or radiation given |
2 | Radiation before surgery |
3 | Radiation after surgery |
4 | Radiation both before and after surgery |
5 | Intraoperative radiation |
6 | Intraoperative radiation with other radiation given before and/or after surgery |
7 | Surgery both before and after radiation |
9 | Sequence unknown, but both surgery and radiation were given |