NAACCR Item #1320: RX Summ--Surgical Margins

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
1,320 1 CoC

NAACCR XML: Tumor.rxSummSurgicalMargins

Alternate Names
   Surgical Margins (CoC)
   Residual Primary Tumor Following Cancer-Directed Surgery (pre-96 CoC)

Codes describe the final status of surgical margins after resection of the primary tumor. See also RX Summ--Surg Prim Site [1290].


This item serves as a quality measure for pathology reports, is used for staging, and may be a prognostic factor in recurrence. This item is not limited to cases that have been staged. It applies to all cases that have a surgical procedure of the primary site.

Codes (Refer to the most recent version of STORE for additional instructions.)

0No residual tumor
1Residual tumor, NOS
2Microscopic residual tumor
3Macroscopic residual tumor
7Margins not evaluable
8No primary site surgery
9Unknown or not applicable

Note: Codes were site specific (1998-2002), and have been changed to be generic across all disease sites.