NAACCR Item #1634: Neoadjuvant Therapy-Treatment Effect

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
1,634 1 SEER 2021 21

NAACCR XML: Tumor.neoadjuvTherapyTreatmentEffect


This data item records the pathologist’s statement of neoadjuvant treatment effect on the primary tumor from the surgical pathology report. Whenever treatment effect definitions are recommended by or available in CAP Cancer Protocols, this data item follows the CAP definitions indicating absent or present effect. When specific CAP definitions are not available, registrars should use treatment effect general use categories.


This data item provides information related to the quality of care and describes the pathological outcomes after neoadjuvant therapy. This data item provides prognostically relevant information by quantifying the extent of therapy-induced tumor regression. Therefore, this item can provide a better risk stratification for patients who received neoadjuvant therapy. In addition, this data item can contribute to assessments of cancer care quality.


0Neoadjuvant therapy not given/no known presurgical therapy
1-4Site-specific code; type of response
6Neoadjuvant therapy completed and surgical resection performed, response not documented or unknown Cannot be determined
7Neoadjuvant therapy completed and planned surgical resection not performed
9Unknown if neoadjuvant therapy performed Unknown if planned surgical procedure performed after completion of neoadjuvant therapy Death Certificate only (DCO)