NAACCR Item #1632: Neoadjuvant Therapy

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
1,632 1 SEER 2021 21

NAACCR XML: Tumor.neoadjuvantTherapy


This data item records whether the patient had neoadjuvant therapy prior to planned definitive surgical resection of the primary site.


This data items provides information related to the quality of care and describes whether a patient had neoadjuvant therapy.

For the purposes of this data item, neoadjuvant therapy is defined as systemic treatment (chemotherapy, endocrine / hormone therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or biological therapy) and/or radiation therapy before intended or performed surgical resection to improve local therapy and long term outcomes.


0No neoadjuvant therapy, no treatment before surgery, surgical resection not part of first course of treatment plan Autopsy only
1Neoadjuvant therapy completed according to treatment plan and guidelines
2Neoadjuvant therapy started, but not completed OR unknown if completed
3Limited systemic exposure when the intent was not neoadjuvant; treatment did not meet the definition of neoadjuvant therapy
9Unknown if neoadjuvant therapy performed Death Certificate only (DCO)