NAACCR Item #834: Sentinel Lymph Nodes Examined

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
834 2 CoC 2018 18

NAACCR XML: Tumor.sentinelLymphNodesExamined


Records the total number of lymph nodes sampled during the sentinel node biopsy and examined by the pathologist. This data item is required for CoC-accredited facilities as of cases diagnosed 01/01/2018 and later. This data item is required for breast and melanoma cases only.


It is a known fact that sentinel lymph node biopsies have been under-reported. Additionally, the timing and results of sentinel lymph node biopsy procedures are used in quality of care measures. This data item can be used to more accurately assess the number of lymph nodes biopsied during the sentinel node biopsy procedure separate from the number of lymph nodes dissected during additional subsequent regional node procedures.

00No sentinel nodes were examined
01-90Sentinel nodes were examined (code the exact number of sentinel lymph nodes examined)
95No sentinel nodes were removed, but aspiration of sentinel node(s) was performed
98Sentinel lymph nodes were biopsied, but the number is unknown
99It is unknown whether sentinel nodes were examined; not stated in patient record