NAACCR Item #3863: Ki-67
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
3863 | 5 | NAACCR | 2018 | 18 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.ki67
Ki-67 (MIB-1) (Proliferative Index) is a marker of cell proliferation. A high value indicates a tumor that is proliferating more rapidly. Codes and coding instructions for this data item are site-specific.
Ki-67 (MIB-1) (Proliferative Index) is a Registry Data Collection Variable in AJCC. It was a new data item for breast cases diagnosed 1/1/2018+. It will apply to neuroendocrine tumors (NET) of the gastrointestinal tract (AJCC Chapters 29 – 34) for cases diagnosed 1/1/2021+. High Ki-67 is an adverse prognostic factor and Ki-67 is a component of grade for these tumors. NCCN guidelines recommend that tumor differentiation, mitotic rate and Ki-67 should be recorded in the pathology report for these tumors.
0.0-100.0 | 0.0 to 100.0 percent positive: enter percent positive |
XXX.4 | Ki-67 stated as less than 3% |
XXX.5 | Ki-67 stated as 3%-20% |
XXX.6 | Ki-67 stated as greater than 20% |
XXX.7 | Test done, actual percentage not stated |
XXX.8 | Not applicable: Information not collected for this case (If this item is required by your standard setter, use of code XXX.8 will result in an edit error.) |
XXX.9 | Not documented in medical record Ki-67 (MIB-1) not assessed or unknown if assessed |
Each Site-Specific Data Item (SSDI) applies only to selected primary sites, histologies, and years of diagnosis. Depending on applicability and standard-setter requirements, SSDIs may be left blank.