NAACCR Item #3829: Esophagus and EGJ Tumor Epicenter
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
3829 | 1 | NAACCR | 2018 | 18 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.esophagusAndEgjTumorEpicenter
Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction (EGJ), Squamous Cell (including adenosquamous), Tumor Location refers to the position of the epicenter of the tumor in the esophagus.
This data item is required for prognostic stage grouping for squamous and adenosquamous carcinoma in AJCC 8th edition, Chapter 16 Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction. It is a new data item for cases diagnosed 1/1/2018+.
0 | U: Upper (Cervical/Proximal esophagus to lower border of azygos vein) |
1 | M: Middle (Lower border of azygos vein to lower border of inferior pulmonary vein) |
2 | L: Lower (Lower border of inferior pulmonary vein to stomach, including gastroesophageal junction) |
9 | X: Esophagus, NOS Specific location of epicenter not documented in medical record Specific location of epicenter not assessed or unknown if assessed |
Each Site-Specific Data Item (SSDI) applies only to selected primary sites, histologies, and years of diagnosis. Depending on applicability and standard-setter requirements, SSDIs may be left blank.