NAACCR Item #774: EOD Regional Nodes

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
774 3 SEER 2018 16

NAACCR XML: Tumor.eodRegionalNodes

Alternate Names
   SEER Regional Nodes

EOD Regional Nodes is part of the EOD 2018 data collection system and is used to classify the regional lymph nodes involved with cancer at the time of diagnosis. See also EOD Primary Tumor [772] and EOD Mets [776]. Effective for cases diagnosed 1/1/2018+.


EOD Regional Nodes is used to calculate Derived EOD 2018 N [815] (when applicable) and Derived Summary Stage 2018 [762]. Derivation will occur at the level of the central registry.

Note: This data item was included in Standards Volume II, Version 16; however, it was not implemented until 2018.

800Regional lymph node(s), NOS Lymph node(s), NOS
888Not applicable-e.g., CNS, hematopoietic

Note: See the most current version of EOD ( for rules and site-specific codes and coding structures.