NAACCR Item #762: Derived Summary Stage 2018

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
762 1 SEER 2018 16

NAACCR XML: Tumor.derivedSummaryStage2018

Alternate Names
   Derived SS2018

Derived Summary Stage 2018 is derived using the EOD data collection system (EOD Primary Tumor [772], EOD Regional Nodes [774] and EOD Mets [776]) algorithm. Other data items may be included in the derivation process. Effective for cases diagnosed 1/1/2018+.


The SEER program has collected staging information on cases since its inception in 1973. Summary Stage groups cases into broad categories of in situ, local, regional, and distant. Summary Stage can be used to evaluate disease spread at diagnosis, treatment patterns and outcomes over time.
Derived Summary Stage 2018 [762] is only available at the central registry level.

Note: This data item was included in Standards Volume II, Version 16; however, it was not implemented until 2018.

0In situ
2Regional, direct extension only
3Regional, regional lymph nodes only
4Regional, direct extension and regional lymph nodes
8Benign, borderline
9Unknown if extension or metastasis (unstaged, unknown, or unspecified) Death certificate only case