NAACCR Item #3926: Schema Discriminator 1
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
3926 | 1 | NAACCR | 2018 | 18 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.schemaDiscriminator1
Captures additional information needed to generate AJCC ID [995] and Schema ID [3800] for some anatomic sites. Discriminators can be based on sub site, histology or other features which affect prognosis.
A schema discriminator is used to assign AJCC ID [995] when site and histology alone are insufficient to identify the applicable AJCC staging method and to assign Schema ID [3800], which links each case to the appropriate SSDIs, Summary Stage and EOD data collection system.
Each Site-Specific Data Item (SSDI) applies only to selected primary sites, histologies, and years of diagnosis. Depending on applicability and standard-setter requirements, SSDIs may be left blank.