NAACCR Item #1182: Lymphovascular Invasion
Item # | Length | Source of Standard | Year Implemented | Version Implemented | Year Retired | Version Retired |
1182 | 1 | AJCC | 2010 | 12 |
NAACCR XML: Tumor.lymphVascularInvasion
Alternate Names
Lymph-vascular Invasion
Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) indicates the presence or absence of tumor cells in lymphatic channels (not lymph nodes) or blood vessels within the primary tumor as noted microscopically by the pathologist. LVI includes lymphatic invasion, vascular invasion, and lymphovascular invasion.
Presence or absence of cancer cells in the lymphatic ducts or blood vessels is useful for prognosis. CAP Protocols for some disease sites will be expanded to distinguish between lymphatic and small vessel invasion only, venous (large vessel) invasion only, and BOTH lymphatic and small vessel AND venous (large vessel) invasion.
0 | Lymphovascular Invasion stated as Not Present |
1 | Lymphovascular Invasion Present/Identified (NOT used for thyroid and adrenal) |
2 | Lymphatic and small vessel invasion only (L) OR Lymphatic invasion only (thyroid and adrenal only) |
3 | Venous (large vessel) invasion only (V) OR Angioinvasion (thyroid and adrenal gland only) |
4 | BOTH lymphatic and small vessel AND venous (large vessel) invasion OR BOTH lymphatic AND angioinvasion (thyroid and adrenal only) |
8 | Not Applicable |
9 | Unknown/Indeterminate/not mentioned in path report |