NAACCR Item #3937: Visceral and Parietal Pleural Invasion

Item # Length Source of Standard Year Implemented Version Implemented Year Retired Version Retired
3,937 1 NAACCR 2018 18

NAACCR XML: Tumor.visceralParietalPleuralInvasion


Visceral and Parietal Pleural Invasion is defined as invasion beyond the elastic layer or to the surface of the visceral pleura.


Visceral and Parietal Pleural Invasion (previously called "pleural/elastic layer invasion (PL)") is a Registry Data Collection Variable for AJCC. This data item was previously collected for Lung, SSF# 2.


0No evidence of visceral pleural invasion identified Tumor does not completely traverse the elastic layer of the pleura Stated as PL0
4Invasion of visceral pleural present, NOS Stated as PL1 or PL2
5Tumor invades into or through the parietal pleural OR chest wall Stated as PL3 Conversions that will be implemented: **Code 1 cases:** Now code 4 **Code 2 cases:** Now code 4 **Code 3 cases:** Now code 5
6Tumor extends to pleura, NOS; not stated if visceral or parietal
8Not applicable: Information not collected for this case If this item is required by your standard setter, use of code 8 will result in an edit error.)
9Not documented in medical record No surgical resection of primary site is performed Visceral Pleural Invasion not assessed or unknown if assessed or cannot be determined

Each Site-Specific Data Item (SSDI) applies only to selected primary sites, histologies, and years of diagnosis. Depending on applicability and standard-setter requirements, SSDIs may be left blank.